The last in the lands are the Snarls which unfortunately are pretty weak.
However, the creature lands and Innistrad duals don’t always need 4 depending on what deck you’re building, so keep that in mind. The creature lands from AFR, the Pathways, and the new Innistrad duals are also extremely safe crafts. The Pathways are all excellent and invaluable moving forward as is Faceless Haven so crafting 4 of each is an extremely safe craft. Lands should always be your first priority as those are generally going to be the most ubiquitous cards in Standard. With that in mind, we can go even more specific. In totality, you should look to craft the most ubiquitous cards first and then keep going until you’re crafting highly specific cards to finish your particular deck.
This is a great question that doesn’t have a concrete answer, but I believe there’s an order you should upgrade your decks in.
In this guide, you’ll find our exclusive curated list of some fantastic budget Standard decks from various archetypes, with a brief explanation of the deck, an upgrade guide, and sample decklists for each one. Well fret not! I spent hours upon hours making a large amount of budget decks that can be easily made no matter your collection size and the most competitive version of the deck you can make as well! It’s much better than previous Standard environments in my opinion, but for those who don’t have large collections, it could still be a struggle.
Innistrad Standard post-rotation has been an absolute blast to play, but admittedly, it’s not the easiest on the Wildcards. If you’re new to MTG Arena, building a cheap budget competitive deck can be challenging, especially if you’re looking to spend as little real-world gold as you can! Magic’s myriad different cards can be overwhelming, and Wildcards are a precious resource that you can’t always afford to waste on the wrong decks, no matter how enticing! Placing small bets on crafting and gradually opening cards until you find an expensive deck you’re sure you’ll love is the best way to go, at least while your resources are so limited.